Wellington Humane Society
The Wellington Humane Society Serving Sumner County, KS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to rescuing, caring for, and adopting out homeless dogs and cats into loving, responsible forever homes. We operate solely on donations and rely on many volunteer staff to serve the needs of homeless animals in our community.
We are a no-kill animal shelter. That means that we work diligently to treat, heal, and work with animals to be able to find safe and quality homes in our community. We educate and offer programs to reduce the animal population in our community such as the low-cost spay/neuter program. To be a no-kill shelter, we maintain a 90% save rate. That means euthanasia is only used as a last resort when an animal is suffering from terminal medical or behavioral conditions. At a no-kill shelter, an end-of-life decision for a pet is an act of mercy rather than one for convenience or lack of space. We have a commitment to lifesaving practices and treating each animal with respect.
We cannot do what we do without an amazing and committed community of members and volunteers! Anyone can help us in our journey.
203 W Hillside Road
Wellington, KS 67152
Phone: (620) 440-4375
Web Site: https://www.wellingtonhumanesociety.org/