Mulvane Chamber Bowling Tournament 2024

We invite you to join us for our first annual Chamber Bowling Tournament!

It will be an afternoon of fun for all, whether you’re a bowling pro or in the under 100 club! Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to win prizes, participate in fun games & contests and enjoy networking with other Chamber members!


Teams can choose a decade (e.g., 60s, 70s, 80s) and dress accordingly, with team names reflecting popular trends or phrases from that era – be it an iconic movie, show, etc.

Examples: “The Groovy Rollers” (70s), “The Retro Strikers” (80s), “Swinging Sixties Spares”


Each bowling game will include a fun/unique component – mystery frame, trivia, cosmic bowling, etc. Teams will be able to “sabotage” other bowlers, too!

  • Trophies for the Top Three Teams
  • Medals for Best Three Individual Bowlers
  • Cash Prize for Best Team Name/Costume
  • Assortment of various gift cards to win throughout the day!

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